Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Such A Happy Monday

Isabella had a slight complication on Sunday and the doctors wanted to keep her another day in the Pediatric Unit. Isabella checked out fine medically this afternoon and we are trying to get back to Rusk as soon as we can. Hopefully, we can get back on Tuesday.

Isabella is also starting to feel a little nauseous from the medication. Her appetite is getting slightly affected and her digestion may also be starting to get affected. She also had the 3rd of 5 daily doses of Temodar. This is the only one given orally, instead of through her port, and unfortunately, she vomited both times they tried to give it to her, so they gave up and we will see how this affects this cycle of treatments. Hopefully, she will be able to take the medication tomorrow without vomiting.


  1. Dear Roniel, Julianne, Annalise, Isabella & Nathaniel,

    Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every day! On Sundays, I volunteer at RCIA at St. Thomas, and I asked the group to pray for Isabella as well. I would be happy to help you in any way I can such as babysitting, having Annalise come over to play, cooking a meal, etc. Please call any time at 642-4918. Marissa misses Isabella. Stephanie and Marissa send their love.

    Best wishes,

    Anne Marie Walsh & Family

  2. Dear Julianne, Isabella, Roniel, Annalise, and Nathaniel,

    Your family was given a terrible battle to fight; but you are doing it with incredible strength and optimism. Your blog is great and I thank you for sharing your thoughts and progress with me. I wish you many more good days and positive progress. I am thinking of all of you, giving you my prayers, and letting you know that any support or assistance needed can be called upon. With Love, Jodie (401-932-0250)

  3. I talked to a friend of mine that also took Temodar and I am not sure if Isabella is taking somethign for the nausea, but she took Zofran. "The Zofran helps with the nausea and there are 2 types. 1 dissoslves in your mouth and the other is a pill. the one that dissolves tastes really bad. lots of water will help too. If she gets constipated, try Smooth Move tea, just 1 cup." You should check with her doctors and see if these suggestions may help.
    My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Please let Donna and I know if there is something that we can do to help. Krista


Feel free to leave a message for Isabella.