We just made an amazing discovery with Isabella. We found that if we take her out of her room, she immediately perks up! The Pediatric department provides some red wagons, and we put her in one and just took a stroll around the floor. Isabella immediately cheered up and began playing "I Spy" with me. We then went over to a lounge area where Isabella sat up and spoke and even smiled a little. We knew she had grown frustrated sitting in her bed, but we didn't know that just taking her out of her bed would have such a positive impact. We must have walked around that floor a dozen times so it was getting more difficult finding new things to "spy".
At one point, I asked Isabella how many times she wanted to walk around. She held up both hands to indicate 10 times. Keep in mind that before this, she had not used her right hand since the surgery.
In the picture below, we came across a magnetic board with a bunch of letters. She helped me spell out a bunch of words, but as you can see, we had to get creative as we ran out of some common letters. You can also notice that they finally took the big bandage around her head. Amazingly, they only had to shave a strip of hair from her head where they made the incision.