Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There’s a Groupon in my Chair

Earlier this year, I introduced you to this charitable program called “There’s a Monkey in my Chair” founded by the Cure Starts Now foundation.  This program helps the children in Isabella’s classroom cope and understand her absences from class, while providing a way for Isabella to stay in touch with the class while she is out.  This is one of the organizations where your money can make a difference in the lives of children with cancer.

For the next couple of days, you can make a donation to the Cure Starts Now foundation through Groupon and you donation will be matched 100% by Chiquita.  Your donation will go towards providing these monkey kits to sick children all over the country.

Here’s the link.


Tuesday Update, 10/18

For the last week or so, Isabella hadn’t complained of any headaches, and has actually felt pretty good.  She has been eating a ton and has gained 6 pounds since she has come home from the hospital.  That may not sound like much, but considering that is 15% of her body weight, she has certainly packed on the pounds, and you can tell as she is starting to look a little “plumper”. 

The steroids that we have been giving her to help alleviate the pressure in her head is causing her voracious appetite. Over the last couple days, we have slower started tapering the dosages of the steroids.  Unfortunately, yesterday, Isabella went home early from school because she started feeling headaches.  This immediately got us worried and we contacted our doctor who told us to keep the existing dosages and to not taper the steroids.

Today, Isabella has felt a little better and actually went to school for the second half of the day.  We are still waiting to start chemotherapy treatments.  Although  we will be giving much lower doses of chemo this time, it is still risky, especially with the bleeding in her brain.  But we have to try something…

Below are some pictures from the weekend when we went apple picking and went through a corn maze (without assistance from 911!).



