For the first time in almost three months, Julianne, Annalise, Isabella, Nathaniel, and I will be sleeping under the same roof. This week, Isabella will be free from any medications and procedures, except for a quick blood draw on Thursday. We are certainly going to try and make the most of this week. Today was a great if not hectic start to the week, as we had to pack everything up from Rusk and the Pediatric unit to take home. Once we got home it was a typical day with us having some lunch, dinner, and ending it off with a movie night watching Wall-E. Here are some pictures from the day.
Isabella was so excited to go home, that from the time she woke up, she was running around and couldn’t sit still.
Here she is getting ready to go home. Annalise and Isabella are wearing High School Musical hats that they received from the hospital.
This is another nice picture of the sisters hand in hand as they leave the hospital.
Here are the girls leaving the hospital. Isabella planted that plant a few weeks ago in horticultural therapy (I told you there were many types of therapy available!)
This is our car after packing everything!
It was a long ride home and Isabella fell asleep on her sister.