Saturday, August 1, 2009

Whale of a Time in Massachusetts

As you’ve read, Isabella is currently receiving proton radiation therapy at Boston’s Mass General Hospital.  A couple of weeks ago, we paid a preliminary visit to meet with the doctors and check out the living quarters.  We also decided to make it a vacation at the last minute as we spent some time enjoying Boston, then proceeded to Cape Cod for a couple days.  The visit to Cape Cod included a Whale Watching tour which was awesome.  Click the pictures below to see a slideshow of our visit, then check out a couple of our videos.


In this video, Julianne and Isabella risk getting soaked by some tricky fountains in downtown Boston.


In this video, you can see a great show put on by a humpback whale during our whale watching tour in Cape Cod.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Radiation Week 1 Finished!

Isabella finished her first week of radiation today with very little to report. There were no noticable side effects and Isabella has been acting normal all week. We will be heading home on Saturday for the weekend, then head back up on Sunday for Round 2. I do have a bunch of pictures and other stuff to post so check back in later this weekend.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Radiation Day 1

So we are here in Boston now and Isabella just completed her first day of radiation. We were in the hospital for less than two hours, but the radiation treatment itself only took about 20 minutes. The rest of the time was spent prepping, and Isabella took about an hour in the recovery room to wake up from the anesthesia. Her treatments will continue Monday through Friday for the next six weeks.

I should also note that Isabella's most recent MRI's showed great improvement and although there is still some tumor left, there are only "wisps" of cells. There may be stray cells that the MRI don't pick up which is part of the reason for radiation. We are trying to get rid of what's left to minimize the chance of recurrence.