Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random Tidbits

As the saying goes, “No news is good news” and in our case that holds true to an extent.  Isabella has her next MRI in a couple weeks, when she will also get her mediport taken out.  But I thought I’d throw a couple nuggets out there to share with you in the meantime.

The kids got a free week of vacation last week as our town scrambled to recover from the wind and rain storms that tore down a bunch of trees and power lines.  Thankfully, we never lost power, but I can’t say the same about the rest of Norwalk, as some parts did not have power for several days.

Isabella lost a couple more teeth recently and has one more on the way out.  Annalise also lost a tooth recently, so you could say that the Tooth Fairy has been making many visits to our house.  In this picture, the girls show off their toothy smiles, and of course, Nathaniel had to jump into the picture!


Speaking of teeth, Isabella recently had a dentists appointment and was fortunate to be seen by a dentist who had done a study on the affect of chemotherapy and radiation on children’s teeth.  She mentioned that Isabella had the best teeth she has ever seen from a child that underwent chemo and radiation!  Yet another reason to be thankful.

You have got to see the kids sing Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” which we just recently downloaded for Rock Band!  Hopefully, I can get a video up soon!P1010583

Finally, I think we are all just about tired of winter and ready for spring (except maybe Nathaniel, who we cannot tear away from the Wii!).  My baseball team has been practicing indoors for a few weeks and we are eager to get outside.  Annalise is moving up to the next level of softball where they pitch to each other and play in real games.  And last, but not least, we just bought Isabella a brand new glove because she will start in the beginner’s softball league this year.  We spent some time outside to figure out whether she wants to throw with her left or right hand, and after practicing with each, she settled on throwing with “Mr. Righty”.  In the beginner’s league, the coaches pitch to the girls and they run the bases, but they do not count outs.  The fielders field the balls and practice throwing to the bases.

So, that’s it for now!  Check back in in a couple of weeks where we will hopefully (*cross fingers*) report another good MRI.