Monday, December 1, 2008

Back to Rehab

Isabella had her first full day of rehab today. Up till now, because of the holiday, she had only been getting partial rehab time, and we felt we lost a lot of time because of that. Isabella is still stubborn in using her right hand and in walking and is beginning to get dependent on her wheelchair. She constantly clutches her right hand and we need to get her to open it up and use it more so that she doesn't permanently lose functionality there. She is able to walk a few steps with some assistance, and we need to get her away from the wheelchair so that she can build up strength in her legs. Julianne has been working closely with her and the therapists to properly motivate her to cooperate.

We are trying to get as much therapy in as possible before her chemo treatment, because she'll be very weak afterwards, so the more progress we make now, the less we have to make later on.

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