Saturday, December 13, 2008

Back to the Pediatric Unit

We just got transferred back to the Pediatric Unit, so we will be starting soon. Julianne and I have no idea what to expect. How much nausea will Isabella have? If and when will her hair fall out? The nurse says that everyone reacts differently so we'll just have to wait and see. More in a bit.


  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Much love, Andie Hogan Gendron, RNC

  2. Just want you to know we are following Isabella fight with you daily. Justin and Garrett sit wilth me while I read the blog and explain to them what is happening. Although we have never met you are in our prayers & thoughts. And we will continue to be with you in spirit. If there is anything we could ever do for you please don't hesitate to call. We live right around the corner from the school.
    May God bless you all,
    Cindy DeMarche
    (203) 451-1963


Feel free to leave a message for Isabella.